Just catching you all up to where I am at the moment. I have been reading a lot of New Zealand Blogs and
this from Bernard Hickey is an interesting read. Bernard usually comments on economic matter but he also is a wonderful writer and is providing a much needed fresh eye on what is a happening NZ and globally.
I have been away in Sydney for a week and I must say that coming back to NZ has been somewhat of an eyeopener. We are constantly bombarded about the 'drift over the ditch' using what I consider to be rather shonky and lazy journalism. Sure, the figures for wages and prices seem to be symbolic of the lucky country but when you actually get there you are surrounded by what all that means. Overcrowding, noise, pollution, rudeness, rampart racism, uncontrolled immigration, and just the same amount of economic and social problems that NZ has. Sure, it's only Sydney, but I think that the next time you are told what a shit hole NZ is and has become you should think very, very, critically.
And not that I in any way think this guy has anything useful to add to humanity with an introduction like he has, I wonder about the veracity of
this ?
I always find
these posts informative and sometimes amusing. What CNN doesn't tell you!