Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Modern Student

A little video of what the modern student looks like.

and comment from Bill Kerr

This opens with graffiti on a (fade to grey) lecture room wall reminding us that there is not much difference between attending a boring lecture and doing hard time in gaol as a political prisoner being tortured by fascists:
"If these walls could talk"
"What would they say?"
Then a document appears on the screen and we are informed that 200 students made 367 edits to it and surveyed themselves to bring a message to the viewer of this video.

Implication: Because a lot of students made a lot of edits it's probably "insightful". That doesn't follow actually. Some collective work is good, other collective work is crap. We should never judge this by the number of contributors or edits but by the work itself.

Not sure where Michael Wesch is going with this, it does say “to be continued” at the end. The students looked a bit uncomfortable to me, not quite certain that it was OK to boast about their lack of reading, missing lessons or not paying attention.

My idea of a University is that it ought to challenge and be difficult in a way that is also engaging but without pandering to engagement in a populist, philistine manner. Michael Wesch may be engaging his students but it’s not clear where he is going to take them or even whether he sees that as part of his role

and this

1 comment:

Leigh Blackall said...

I don't think "insightful" is what he/they are trying to imply G. They're just throwing up some stuff to rock us into discussing and questioning. I feel like we should be taking them up on their offer to join their discussion... but then.. if they are good at tracking the web, they should know already about the discussion starting over here. Thanks for the pointer to his new vid. Have you watched his other ones?