Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Car Free Cities

I am getting sick of the rhetoric surrounding issues of 'sustainability" and "greening the cities" as a pathetic excuse to either 1) save money or 2) make money.
I say this because my employer has embarked on a series of measures which really only line his own pocket but are sold as being sustainable practice or ridding the city of dirty cars. The first is forcing all employees to empty their own trash, clean their own offices and largely keep the workplace ticking over by constantly complaining about jobs that are not being done by largely transparent staff. I say transperent because the cleaning staff have largely disappeared by stealth.
The second point relates to the cynic in me which suggests that it was all part of a Green-inspired anti-car (read: anti-freedom) crusade to boost the numbers using public transport. A public transport system that largely does not exist. So we now pay for our car parking (actually a pay cut of $600-$1000 a year ) or have to scramble for an ever decreasing number of free parks - themselves being whittled away by pay or restricted time parks heavily monitored by parking wardens which boost the cities coffers by $900k a year. That these said parking wardens are regularly being assaulted or themselves resorting to neo-Nazi monitoring techniques seems to be a huge game played out by non-suspecting participants. That self serving pseudo environmentalists let this happen without embracing these self same principles is a mockery.

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