Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Online learning

created at TagCrowd.com

I was talking to a colleague about her experinece of taking a flexible online learning course and she described it as such.
"It was like being dropped from a helicopter into a deep, deep ocean on a dark, cold night and someone was away on a distant shore intermittently flicking a Zippo lighter (and we all know how unreliable they can be) and quietly moaning 'over here, over here'".
Needless to say she did not complete the course but it got me thinking about two themes.
Firstly, we were asked to conjure up an image that represented our group persona and secondly, what it is that has interested and stimulated me so far.
Years ago I bought a keelboat and my children were all quite young, 17, 12, 8 years and we jointly discovered the pleasures of offshore sailing. This involved being caught out on the Otago coast in more than a few storms and some heroic efforts were made to get back to safe anchorage. The kids presented me with a framed cartoon which has a yacht, perched on a breaking wave, sails shredded, crew hanging over the side, with a caption "Dad! are we having fun yet?" This is my group picture so far. Equal parts exhiliration and terror.

What I have enjoyed is the stimulation of working in a relatively new medium. I happened to be reading Stephen Halls 'The Raw Shark Texts" and he makes novel use of primitive tag clouds in depicting a Great White about to eat its victim. The graphics of Blogs and the creative use of images has stimulated me more than some of the content. I believe that what a lot of blogs lack is any sense of continuity. They stand alone, and that can be a good thing, but what I am looking for is someone who has a BIG IDEA and takes some time, and creativity to develop it.

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